The Writer Shed
The creative life must be nurtured. Writing, art, music, all of it takes courage, and living such a life requires the right state of mind. Get inspiration, tips, and delve into the artistic life. Join award-winning writer, bestselling author, and the editor of WRITER SHED PRESS, David W. Berner inside his writing shed outside Chicago as he explores the triumphs, struggles, and adventures of the creative life.
The Writer Shed
David W. Berner
This is the fourth and final installment of THE SCHOOL OF JOYFUL WRITING, a podcast writing workshop series from THE WRITER SHED podcast that focuses on the joyful process of telling stories, how to find what it is your heart is telling you to write. The four-part series is conducted by Writer Shed host, David W. Berner who has taught writing and conducted workshops for more than 20 years. You can find more at
In this installment: Committing to a practice and a process for writing.